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Pressure Sensor

The articles shown below are all about the Pressure Sensor, through these related articles, you can get relevant information, notes in use, or latest trends about the Pressure Sensor. We hope these news will give you the help you need. And if these Pressure Sensor articles can't solve your needs, you can contact us for relevant information.
  • 2024-09-18

    HVAC & Refrigeration
    ORR pressure transmitters applied in the chiller and air conditioning of Carrier and LG which are two most famous air conditioning manufacturer in the world.
  • 2024-08-21

    Sensors For Construction Machinery
    Sensors have been widely used in the construction machinery industry. The sensor device can output various physical and chemical signals as electrical signals, such as gravity, temperature, sound, distance, etc., so that the staff can directly control or adjust the data detected by the sensor.
  • 2024-01-29

    Performance Comparison of Common Pressure Sensors
    How to select a suitable pressure sensor or transmitter sometimes is a difficult decision. Here are some tips for you. There are six common types of pressure sensor in our market, it's hard to say which one is the best, however, we can select the most suitable one upon our application and practical condition, we can use below table to analyze their different performances and features.
  • 2024-01-28

    Gas Pressure Monitoring
    Industrial gas pressure monitoring In order to ensure safe production of storage and transportation of industrial gas, it's essential to acquired pressure value of industrial gas in real time during storage and gas transmission pipeline. ORR pressure transmitter provides pressure monitoring instruments for industrial gas production and storage, ressure measurement enables the automatic monitoring and regulation of gas production equipment and storage cylinders through the auxiliary system to ensure safe production.
  • 2021-11-30

    Choose the Right Measuring Range in Pressure Sensors
    It’s difficult to obtain an ideal accuracy if choosing range is not matched actual situation. For example, we don’t suggest use a 1000bar range of pressure sensor on measuring 1bar pressure, it would be better if you could use 10bar range instead of 1000bar. Therefore, choosing the right measurement range​ is very important and efficient for you. Three major factors must to be taken into account:
  • 2021-11-15

    The Parameters of Pressure Sensors
    ① Operating Pressure Range: Pressure measuring range the sensor can be safely operated. ② Operating Mode: Absolute pressure, or gauge pressure ③ Maximum Pressure or Burst Pressure: The maximum value of pressure that can be withstood by the sensor without damaging itself. If the applied pressure is more than this maximum pressure value, it might result in device failure or inaccurate signal output, even damage the sensor itself, which named burst pressure. ④ Output Type: It could be Ratio-metric mV, 4~20mA, 0.5Vdc~4.5Vdc, 0~5Vdc, 0~10Vdc, digital I2C and digital SPI. ⑤ Full Scale: Maximum pressure that the sensor can measure from zero pressure. ⑥ Operating Temperature Range: The temperature range the sensor can operate reliably and provide an accurate output signal.
  • 2021-10-29

    Output Types of Pressure Sensors
    Output types of pressure sensors include the following four types: ① Ratiometric Millivolt Output(mV): Pressure sensor with ratiometric millivolt output are widely used in many applications because of their cost-effective nature. The full scale output of a millivolt sensor is from 40mV(Min.)to 120mV(Max.); 70mV (Typ.) under power of 5VDC or Idd=1.5mA. The output is directly proportional to the excitation power. ② Current Loop Output(4~20mA): These are pressure sensors with a current output of 4-20 mA. Since this kind of signal outputs are not much affected by electrical noise, the signals can be transmitted over a long distance. ③ Analog Voltage Output(Vdc). These are pressure sensors with a voltage output of 0.5~4.5Vdc, 0~5Vdc, and 0~10Vdc etc, which could be easily read by PCL, controller or indicator. ④ Digital output: The output signal in the case of a digital signal of I2C, SPI with digital code for pressure output values.
  • 2021-09-15

    How to choose a pressure sensor
    1. Application and measurement type. Common type of pressure measurement include: Absolute, gauge, differential, vacuum, bidirectional, and sealed gage. 2. Pressure range. kPa, Bar,Psi, Mpa 3. Process media. Water, Oil, Gas etc 4. Temperature range and installation environment. -30~80℃ etc. 5. Accuracy. ±0.25%F.S. 6. Output. 4~20mA, mV, 0.5~4.5Vdc etc ​
  • 2021-08-16

    Sputtering thin-film sensor (resistive pressure measurement)
    The base body is made of stainless steel. The resistance structure is produced by photolithography. Thin-film measuring cells stand out due to their excellent resistance to pressure peaks and bursting pressure.
  • 2021-07-30

    Isolated pressure measuring cell
    Electronic pressure measurement requires a sensor that records the pressure to be measured and converts it into an electrical signal. Due to the large output signals and the established manufacturing processes, as well as the many years of experience gained, piezoresistive technology has become established in pressure measurement.
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