Design Considerations of load cell
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Design Considerations of load cell

Views: 30     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-11-16      Origin: Site

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Design Considerations of load cell

The more gauges inside the load cell, the more sensitive the cell is in recording and monitoring variance in measurement. When calculating the potential capacity of a load cell, manufacturers consider: the maximum force value, the dynamics of the system (i.e. frequency response), the effect that placing the transducer in the force path will have and the maximum extraneous loads that the load cell will handle.

When mounting load cells, such factors must be considered: whether the load cell be in the primary load path or whether it will see the forces indirectly; whether there are any physical constraints that should be met for size and mounting; what level of accuracy is required, and what environmental elements the load cell will be subjected to that may cause special problems. These complexities are necessary to have the correct measuring force load cell in place, to ensure the safety and productivity of the industries employing them.


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